Welcome to the Heart Portal of

ReSurfacing Soul

Remembering Whole

Returning to the Loving Embrace of your Truth


  • In these 90 min virtual sessions, I will guide you through a practice to discover what emotions are present in the field that would like to be worked with. We will then follow with creating a safe and relaxing space to move into a uniquely crafted breathwork journey that leads into a guided visualization meditation to fully embrace Truth and higher guidance and to release the heavy weight of unprocessed emotions. These sessions promote a feeling of clarity and inner Knowing that valuably guides us on our Inner Being Remembrance journey.

  • For the woman who feels the call of expansion, this container is a portal into deep transformation. More information on Services page including application link. Space is limited!

  • This is a Somatic Breathwork Dive session amplified with powerful in person presence, reiki, sound bowls and integration exploration. This is for someone who feels deeply ready to crack through the portal of their heart and Remember the incredible depth of Presence with the Soul, making space for the release of dense emotional pain

  • Break through the resistant energy that’s blocking you from feeling into the abundance of peaceful soul truth beneath its surface in this 45 min virtual journey. On this explorative experience into the body, you will be guided to create a new felt experience around your determined blockage. This supports the body to continue leaning into a new perspective through the rewiring done in the meditative state

Welcome to the Journey of Remembrance

Resurfacing Soul is created upon the profound connection between mind, body, and soul – a Holy trinity that forms the essence of our being. The mission is to guide you on a transformative journey towards wholeness, where you reconnect with your innermost self and remember the inherent wisdom, peace, clarity and Truth within.

Through the powerful modalities of Breathwork, Reiki, Guided Meditative Journeying, and Somatic Inner Body exploration, we create a pathway to healing through deeper self-discovery.

Embark on this sacred journey, where each breath becomes a catalyst for transformation within a container weaved by the fabric of gentle safety and Love.

Together, let us delve into the depths of your being, uncovering the forgotten treasures of your essence and remembering the wholeness that has always resided within you.

It's time to resurface, to remember, and to embrace your whole self. Welcome to Resurfacing Soul - Remembering Whole, where a new paradigm of healing and transformation begins for you.

Healing Starts with the authentic creation of Safe Space

Coming Home to Truth

This work is created off the foundation of anchoring safety into the body. When this basic need is achieved in its fullest and most profound extent, an abundance of expansion begins to Surface and your fullest potential can begin to Seed and Bloom.