What is Breathwork and Why is it Medicinal?

Breathwork is bringing conscious awareness to the breath and altering the pace/pattern/rhythm and depth to induce changes to the nervous system state.

There are many specific techniques to working with Breathwork and my unique style of facilitation is a combination of holotropic and somatic breath.

Holotropic breathwork was developed by psychiatrists Stanislav and Christina Grof in the 1970s to achieve altered states of consciousness (without using drugs) as a potential therapeutic tool.

It has since been widely adapted by facilitators into their personal styles of delivery.

Somatic breathwork brings the focus into the body, providing an energy of spaciousness for the body to invite the release of repressed emotional energy.

In the curation of my breathwork journeys, I choose hypnotic, melodic, soul inspiring music that assists in the process of journeying deep into presence. My guidance is paired to rhythmically match the music with the breath and this synchronization along with the changing chemistry from CO2 and O2 exchange within the bloodstream leads to a range of altered consciousness experiences.

Conscious breathing has been shown to increase neuronal activity, which can help process trauma, anxiety or depression. A great advantage of breathwork is that it works without substances and can be accessed by anyone, anytime, anywhere. It is also always under one's own control and the dynamics can be changed individually. The depth of the breath is the dial in breathwork journeys. The more power and full expansion of lung capacity results in higher access to the altered conscious realms where spiritual truth can be Remembered.

The chemistry changes brought upon by conscious breathing allows a type of presence with ourselves that can evoke a variety of emotional or spiritual experiences. Some clients may experience a profound and healing connection with their inner child, with God, or their higher selves. Some may remember unprocessed memories rising to the surface to be revisited with love. Some may see psychedelic visual representations of the subconscious that direct them towards key points on their journey back to feeling Whole.

Whatever breathwork gives, its always exactly what is needed at that time as it is truly a spiritual medicine.